Study Requirements

Degree program
Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources, Industrial and Labour Relations Management (HRILM)

Bachelor of Commerce in Public Administration

Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing (HMKTG )

Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management (HBMGT)

Entry requirements
Conventional / Parallel Programme: At least two “A” level subjects in Accounting, Mathematics, Economics, Management of Business, Geography, Food Science, and Computer Science or have obtained a National Diploma (complete qualification) in the relevant field or any other equivalent tertiary qualifications.

Block Release Programme: a National Diploma (complete qualification) in the relevant field or any other equivalent tertiary qualifications.Applicants for Block Release should be employed in a field related to the degree programme.

NB: Mature Entry Applicants who do not have the minimum academic qualifications stated above but have a minimum of two (2) years of Public Sector, Human Resources,
Business Management and or Marketing experience will be considered on case-by-case basis.

Degree program
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development (HECD)

Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education (HSNE)

Entry requirements
Block Release Programme: a Certificate or Diploma in Teaching (i.e. Preschool, Infant Education or Early Childhood Development) or any other qualifications acquired by a candidate that may be approved by the Senate.

Conventional Programme: at least 2 “A” Level passes or any other qualifications acquired by a candidate that may be approved by the Senate.

In‐service Full time Programme: a Certificate or Diploma in Teaching (i.e. that is Preschool, Infant Education or Early Childhood Development) or any other qualifications acquired by a candidate that may be approved by the Senate.

Block Release Programme: a Certificate or Diploma in Teaching, Rehabilitation, Psychology, Counselling , Nursing or any other field related to disability and Special Needs Education, or any other qualifications acquired by a candidate that may be approved by the Senate.

Conventional Programme: at least 2 “A” Level passes or any other qualifications acquired by a candidate that may be approved by the Senate.

In‐service Full time Programme: a Certificate or Diploma in Teaching, Rehabilitation, Psychology, Counselling, Nursing or any other field related to disability and Special Needs Education, or any other qualifications acquired by a candidate that may be approved by the Senate.

Degree program
Bachelor of Theology Honours Degree (BTH)
Entry Requirements
In‐Service Block Release Programme: candidates must possess a recognised Diploma in Theology plus one year experience as a Minister of Religion.

Conventional Programme : A‐level certificate with passes in Divinity and any of the following subjects: English, Shona / Ndebele, Sociology or any other qualifications acquired by a candidate that may be approved by the Senate.